Sunday, August 8, 2010

Got back from Cali x Vegas tonight!

Heres a recap in case you werent there or were being Shunned (bobby)

Sun: Los Angeles bound, went to Fairfax and China town, then biked up and down venice/santa barbera beach with Q and LK on our fixies.
Mon: Millbrae bound, Pogi Cuts, bought cheapo stuff @ Daiso then played indoor soccer with Bmad, Kevin Chang, Bobby + others
Tue: Masu super intense buffet + Penalty kick shootouts at BIS = big ass headache.
Wed: if you are in NorCal area, you need to go to Boiling Crab.. you also need to go to Royal Pin Donuts :). also watched Hot tub time machine @ Patricks
Thu: Fatlace + Japan town then chillin at Shaws with Chris Gill then w/ Vinette!
Fri: Taco truck tacos, China town in the city, and watched very mediocre "the other guys"
Sat: Las vegas bound, JennyPho then South coast steak 2hrs after
Sun: Home bound.

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